Dubysos aukštupio school

„What you want to bring into life, you must first bring into school“
- Wilhelm von Humboldt

Primary education

PURPOSE of primary education is to provide a person with moral and social elements of maturity, cultural foundations, elementary literacy, to help him/her to prepare for learning according to the primary education program.


The curriculum is integrated based on the experience of the International Baccalaureate including 6 topics: “Who I am”, “Where I am in terms of place and time”, “How I express myself”, “How the world works”, “How we organize our lives”, “Sharing the planet”.


Each student in grade 1 to grade 10 conducts a group study. The product or outcome is developed in collaboration with the students, but there is also an obvious individual contribution and involvement of each student in the process. Group research projects allow students to collectively plan and take responsibility for different aspects of a project. By conducting group research, the student learns how to research, plan, act, and self-evaluate. After completing the group project, students prepare a presentation.


LIONS QUEST Bullying Prevention Program. A virtual “Bullying Box” is used to record violence and bullying and to make quick decisions to solve the issues. We apply the principles of corporate learning, which provides favourable conditions for school ethics (ethos), based on mutual respect, equality (between teacher and students, as well as among students themselves) and tolerance for individual differences. Creating a positive learning environment, strengthening emotional connections.


The principles of Democratic education are applied in the school. Democratic education changes students’ motivation to learn and helps to raise an authentic, educated and civically active young generation that is capable of overcoming challenges of the 21st century. One of the pillars of democratic education is trust in the child, his/her inner curiosity and ability to make decisions. The aim of this education is for children to grow up without fear and to become responsible, empathetic and independent citizens. The school organizes individual interviews with each student, class meetings, and school meetings.

Primary education

THE PRINCIPLES for implementation of primary and lower secondary education at school:

  1. Humanity is recognition of the positive unconditional value of a person, respect for individuality, ensuring the selection of educational content that meets the educational needs of each student and its proper application;

2. Democracy – recognition of the right of every member of the school community to participate in decision-making, taking responsibility for their choices;

3. Diversity – enabling teachers and other pedagogical staff to flexibly and creatively pursue educational goals by applying a variety of teaching strategies, teaching methods, selecting and allocating time for teaching, teaching aids, and creating or selecting non-standard educational environments;

4. Solidarity – directing the efforts of each member of the community to achieve the common goal of the school.

5. Cultural identity – support of positive self-attribution to a certain socio-cultural community, promotion of loyalty to one’s own culture, commitment to accept and nurture it.



Able to reason 

Fully – educated 



Open to the world 



Not afraid to take risks


1. Integrated teaching

2. Corporate learning

3. Personal project and group research

4. Social – civic activities

5. Cognitive and cultural activities

6. Inclusive smart education

7. Subjects

8. Non-formal education

9. Class teacher‘s lesson


1. The curriculum is integrated based on the experience of the International Baccalaureate including 6 topics: “Who I am”, “Where I am in terms of place and time”, “How I express myself”, “How the world works”, “How we organize our lives”, “Sharing the planet”. 

2. LIONS QUEST Bullying Prevention Program

3. A virtual “Bullying Box” is used to record violence and bullying and to make quick decisions to solve the issues

PERSONAL PROJECT A personal project is designed to reveal students’ talents and strengths. It helps to motivate the student for work, allows him/her to realize his/her own possibilities, to explore and reveal his/her own self. A personal project is carried out by the students from grade 5 to grade 10 as a part of lower secondary education program. Students can prepare and carry out a personal project individually or in a group. A product or outcome can be developed applying corporate learning strategy, but the individual contribution and involvement of each student in the process has to be evident. The progress of personal projects is recorded in the OneNote environment. The responsibility to record personal projects lies with the teacher whose subject was chosen for the project.

STUDENT PROGRESS RECORDS Students’ personal progress folder. The purpose of the personal progress folder is to help students observe, reflect and manage their learning, also to make decisions about what to do next, and to strengthen their abilities. The folder is placed in a virtual environment. The Personal Progress folder consists of the “Personality Development Notes” and “My Success Folder”.